Lymphedema — What Is It and What Can Be Done About It?
Cynthia Shechter
Cynthia Shechter CLT-UE, IORE, MA, OTR/L, CIMT, CORE Certified Cynthia is the owner and Director of Rehabilitation at ShechterCare. She earned her master's degree in occupational therapy at New York University. She has devoted her clinical practice to breast cancer and lymphedema rehabilitation and is passionate about patient care. Cynthia has lectured on the topic of breast cancer rehabilitation and lymphedema to several cancer and lymphedema groups in the community as well as to different physicians’ groups. Her main focus is educating patients on lymphedema management and enabling them to return to their regular lifestyle.
Cynthia believes in individual patient care over "rules". Every individual deserves to be evaluated and treated based on their individual needs, lifestyle, and ability to self-manage. Not all treatment is about everything one must do, sometimes, we need to recognize the grey areas to ensure recovery - mind - body - spirit.
Cynthia is dedicated to increasing the awareness of the medical community on the benefits of rehabilitation following breast cancer surgery and has been an expert for the LE&RN "Ask the Experts" since the program began and has helped over 110 members thus far.