The relationship between acceptance, fatigue, and subjective cognitive impairment in hematologic cancer survivors

This study aims to investigate the correlation between acceptance and fatigue and subjective cognitive impairment in hematologic cancer survivors. The goal is to identify a new target for psychological interventions, specifically ACT-based interventions.


Kuba K, Weißflog G, Götze H, García-Torres F, Mehnert A, Esser P. The relationship between acceptance, fatigue, and subjective cognitive impairment in hematologic cancer survivors. Int J Clin Health Psychol. 2019 May;19(2):97-106. doi: 10.1016/j.ijchp.2018.12.001. Epub 2019 Jan 16. PMID: 31193118; PMCID: PMC6517644.
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National Library of Medicine
The relationship between acceptance, fatigue, and subjective cognitive impairment in hematologic cancer survivors

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Type of Cancer

Blood Cancer



Emotional Support, Fatigue
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