Design of digital walking programs that engage prostate cancer survivors: Needs and preferences from focus groups

The majority of prostate cancer survivors do not meet physical activity (PA) recommendations. This study characterizes survivors' needs and preferences for digital walking programs. Most preferred features include: (1) well-curated, specific content, (2) individualized feedback from trusted sources, (3) moderated peer discussion, and (4) support from small teams and peer mentors.


Sangameswaran S, Segal C, Rosenberg DE, Casanova-Perez R, Cronkite D, Gore JL, Hartzler AL. Design of digital walking programs that engage prostate cancer survivors: Needs and preferences from focus groups. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2022 Feb 21;2021:1069-1078. PMID: 35309011; PMCID: PMC8861760.
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National Library of Medicine
Design of digital walking programs that engage prostate cancer survivors: Needs and preferences from focus groups

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Type of Cancer




Quality of Life, Lifestyle, Exercise
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